Alone, Happy | Teen Ink

Alone, Happy

January 27, 2009
By dahlingg SILVER, Montclair, New Jersey
dahlingg SILVER, Montclair, New Jersey
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

She knew what it was like to feel bliss,
The cold winter's white snow was all,
Rather than most, who longed for a kiss.
She refused to let love make her fall
Simple things, such as playing in the cold
Or listening to the winds that would squall
Would satisfy her until she grew old.
She had been no good at making a friend,
'Just be yourself', she was often told,
That was a lie, and she would not pretend,
So she decided she would rather be alone.
A friend was one thing she could not append,
To the life she loved, she had already flown,
High into the sky, towards the moon and the sun.
Loneliness had no point, it would not make her groan,
To her nothing mattered, her life still spun,
On, as each day turned into the night.
Life was ready, she would have her own fun.


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