Jubilant Convulsion | Teen Ink

Jubilant Convulsion

October 19, 2015
By JacobG7997 SILVER, Williston Park, New York
JacobG7997 SILVER, Williston Park, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Life is like a waterfall of sensuality.
Life is like a bad hallucination that goes away.
Life is like a deadweight that is taken off your shoulders.
Life is like a asperser that becomes a bosom buddy
Life is like a bullet that skims your back.
Life is like a friendship that gets better every day
Life is like a rollercoaster with ups and downs.
Life is like a fear that disappears.
Life is like a present that helps you remember.
why life is worth living.
Life is like a game you win after losing.
Life is like a calm game of enjoyment.
Life is like winning a football game.
It is fun, relieving, relaxing, and you enjoy it.


Life is like a fire. It burns until you  light up.
Life is like a blade. It cuts you no matter what.
Life is like a book. It mirrors your soul..
Life is like a bullet. Sometimes it comes by to spook you.
Other times it tears you open and into pieces,
Life is like a chainsaw, That tears you apart in your sleep.
Life is like a voice, that enlightens your bad day.
Life is like a story, good things come and go.
Life is like water, that heals you.
Life is like a bandage, that can heal a wound.
Life is like a text, that can make you smile. 
Life is like a knife that opens your fruit
Life is like a paintball game. It is painful but,
fun, joyful, entertaining, hurtful, fearsome, and wounding.

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