She is Gone | Teen Ink

She is Gone

November 10, 2015
By _itsjordanmarie BRONZE, Crown City, Ohio
_itsjordanmarie BRONZE, Crown City, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is gone.
Innocence stolen
Taken and destroyed
Corrupted by society

Innocence stolen
by the lies they told her about herself.
Corrupted by society,
she was put under their spell.

The lies they told her about herself,
were like poison in her mind.
Put under their spell,
no one could save her now.

Poison in her mind,
forced her to pull the trigger.
No one could save her now,
her fight was already lost.

Forced to pull the trigger.
Taken and destroyed.
No one could save her now.
She is gone.

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