I Said Her Name | Teen Ink

I Said Her Name

December 3, 2015
By HufflepuffKeeper BRONZE, Bristol, Pennsylvania
HufflepuffKeeper BRONZE, Bristol, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

My friend Jerry had bet me a buck and a dime,
if I went to my house and said Her name three times.

I went to the bathroom and turned out the lights,
I turned on the sink and sat by candlelight.

I looked over my shoulder as if I didn’t know,
that this was just a legend that just seemed to grow.

Well, I said her name, three times if I remember,
on that very day in the month of November.

Nothing had happened. My friends said nothing would,
since we’re just a few teens trying to have as much fun as we could.

I then went to bed, tucked my sheets in real tight,
but then all of a sudden there was a bump in the night.

Bloody Mary! I saw her! At the foot of my bed,
with a white ragged dress and a pipe made of lead.

She came real close and whispered in my ear,
“Don’t go calling someone if you don’t want them to appear”.

I never got my buck and a dime,
for I never survived Bloody Mary’s surprise.

The author's comments:

Pease enjoy this spooky tale!


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