Seasons | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By hclayton16 BRONZE, Chrisman, Illinois
hclayton16 BRONZE, Chrisman, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like summer time, the memory leaves
Vanishing, as the rest of the world breathes
There was no warning, no heads up
No crystal ball in his solo cup

Like winter time, the world is cold
Whiting out everything once so gold
She doesn't think of anything but him
Falling down once again in light so dim

Like fall, everything can start again
Finally, she'll see who she's been
All this time, such a selfish guppie
Wondering around like a lost puppy

And like spring, we grow
We use what we know
Building a new garden as the world restarts
Fitting puzzle pieces into missings parts

Looking back at the day
Not a detail left astray
It's strange, but life goes on
And some people in it just don't belong

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