Ode To Mole | Teen Ink

Ode To Mole

February 2, 2016
By madeline_13 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
madeline_13 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

El rico mole (the good mole).
It’s my everything in the world .
It’s what keeps me alive.
Mole is like a big blob of dark chocolate.
My tia (aunt) invites us to her house to come enjoy some mole.
Her house is el cielo (heaven).
The birthplace of mole.
She doesn't have to tell me sientate(sit).
She serves me first .
I ask for a cup of water.
I know it’s spicy and sweet.
My mouth is really watering I’m going to run out of salava .
A spoonful of mole and rice enters my mouth .
My favorite is delicious and has a amazing taste.
My mom tells me to eat slow but I’m to busy enjoying mole.
Maybe it’s my true love.

The author's comments:

a great poem

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