live, breathe, study | Teen Ink

live, breathe, study

January 20, 2009
By lullu GOLD, St. Paul, Minnesota
lullu GOLD, St. Paul, Minnesota
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I&mdash; <br /> I took the one less traveled by, <br /> And that has made all the difference -Robert Frost<br /> &quot;Be the change you wish to see in this world&quot;-Gandhi<br /> &quot;Love the art in yourself rather than yourself in the art&quot;Constantin Stanislavsky.

Live, Breathe, study
What is on my homework list?
My life feels so drained , and incomplete, sitting at a desk endless!
When was the last time
I've been outside?
Stuck here till four o' clock
I could of died!
My bed is awaiting.
My toes are numb.
My dinner is frozen.
But hey why an I complaining,
I gotta do my homework!

The author's comments:
THis peice is to give sympathy for all students like me!Hope you get a kick out of it!

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