Love... | Teen Ink


March 4, 2016
By glittergirl7312 BRONZE, Grahmsville, New York
glittergirl7312 BRONZE, Grahmsville, New York
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you can't see just open your eyes

Love is crazy

I don't know how to explain it

Sometimes love is like walking on heaven's clouds

Other times it's like walking on devil's horns in hell.


The hardest part of love is admitting you love someone or something

It may come as a shock to you

Love is crazy


Love is having butterflies in your stomach

Then puking from the nerves

And having dreams of your future

Love is always smiling

And telling all of your secrets.


But what I love the most about love is how it makes you crazy

so crazy you can't think straight

and your head spins around and

Around like a Merry Go Round


Love is crazy

You don't always see it but you know it is there.

The author's comments:

I have had a couple heartbreaks in my life and lots of crushes. I wouldn't consider myself a love expert but this is what I think about love.

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