Drifting | Teen Ink


May 25, 2016
By jvelazquez6405 BRONZE, Mt Prospect, Illinois
jvelazquez6405 BRONZE, Mt Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Inspired by Jack Kamysz "Untitled"

Im drifting away but each step i take seems like I just fade away. Maybe its that you have forgotten about me that our memories no longer last inside your head. We use to be big and careless not worrying about what lies ahead, cause that always made the best stories. Now as we walk away its as if we start to walk into a new part of ourselves. Letting go of what was and walking in to what is. Times we share will be the best, but walking into the sunlight will only mean a better day as a walk away from today and go into tomorrow. Will I be a distant memory for you or will I be for ever planned inside your brain with al the memories we have made. Time will tell as to where we will end up. As I walk down this lonely road wondering where my next destination will be. The sunlight being my only guide as I walk away fading into the distance.

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