Forgetting | Teen Ink


May 30, 2016
By Noelia BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
Noelia BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm starting to forget your face.
Something I thought I'd never erase,

But darling, here we are.
Not remembering, and being too far.

I can't quite catch the color of your eyes.
I think my memories are all lies, 

I see green, but there was little yellow too,
Maybe some brown, or was it blue?

Yet I know you are out there.
I can still feel the nightmare;

Of you leaving,
And me not breathing,

Missing you so bad.
Practically going mad.

But then one day,
You come my way;

Knocking on my door.
Dropping to the floor.

We laugh and cry.
Loving, until the tears dry.

Reunited and whole.
Fulfilling every empty role,

We had in our lives apart.
Even reenacting that day at Walmart;

When we went mad in the food isle,
Chucking food and running wild.

But there it is, the terrible truth.
The harsh reality seems to end my youth.

It was all just some really crazy dream.
The kind of thing that makes you scream.

I thought for once the world would be kind,
But the sunshine was just in my mind,

Now all the clouds fill my head instead.
Reminding me that our love is dead.

Yet I'm still wondering what colors underline your eyes,
And how the world could continue these terrible lies.

The author's comments:

This poem is about forgetting someone you haven't seen in a long time, but still loving them very dearly. It shows how even forgetting the smallest details can break our hearts. 

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