Patriarchy of Kin | Teen Ink

Patriarchy of Kin

May 26, 2016
By MoeLane BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
MoeLane BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ministry elected and dissected each one of us

Revived the humans to murder trust

Cherubs adopt their choice of decease

with jelly beans of venemous wheeze

Baptizing the brave

Degrading our bewildering crave

Combating with margins of cardboard cartons to slay

Our own privelage of becoming slaves

The author's comments:

This piece is based on a dream I had of the government controlling everyone in my small town inside a barn and brainwashing us into choosing our own death. After we chose how we would die they took our youngest family members and murdered them in front of us. I percieved this dream as a way of telling me to protect my loved ones.

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