Chained Freedom | Teen Ink

Chained Freedom

March 12, 2009
By fiercetruth SILVER, Green Cove S[rings, Florida
fiercetruth SILVER, Green Cove S[rings, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the shadows creep up on you, you will not know.
Tiptoeing, they are more silent than death; though allies of it they are.
More dark than an abysmal black hole
And more crushing than the cursed words 'I love you' that owns them.
Those cursed words can set you free, 'tis true
You would fly rampant with the shadows,
Shadows of light.
But they can also pin you down, a prisoner to your own heart.
Swallow you up instead of lift you,
Shadows of dark.
I am such a prisoner.
Irrevocable, blissful agony.
Indescribable, killer harmony.
Undeniable, weighted love.
It's such an empty, full feeling.
So desired, though it is revolting
So satisfying, yet'
And yet.
It could very well leave you with nothing.

The author's comments:
This poem is about the truly twisted and double-sided feelings of love. I hope people who have not yet felt love learn how much of a blessing with a slight dark side it is, and that those who are experiencing it or have felt it can relate to this.


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