My Goodbye (A letter to you) | Teen Ink

My Goodbye (A letter to you)

December 29, 2016
By AdriD PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
AdriD PLATINUM, Littleton, Colorado
24 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

Look, I don't know what to say to you anymore. I hope you realize that you're so  important to me. I hope you know I'm so proud of you and I miss you. You are a flawless human and I couldn't imagine not having you in my life. I don't want you to ever doubt that you deserve everything in the world. I'm sorry I keep falling for you cause you honestly shouldn't have to keep explaining to me that you don't want me. I'm just stupid I guess. I know you say you aren't ready for a relationship right now and I understand, and I know how the last one ended. But when you are ready just know that the girl you do choose to be with is Darm Well the luckiest girl in the universe. She better not hurt you. She better love you and only you. You better make sure she's kind and treats you right! Because you deserve nothing less! I always have and probably always will love you. I'm sorry if that scares you or makes you uncomfortable and I know you think it's silly but I cannot control it. I think the world of you and I will always support you in every way I can! I hope more than anything you get whatever you want in life because your happiness means a lot to me! So be happy and don't worry about me anymore. You deserve it

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