me. | Teen Ink


March 20, 2009
By s.nichole. PLATINUM, Ossian, Indiana
s.nichole. PLATINUM, Ossian, Indiana
27 articles 4 photos 18 comments

Deprive me of my power
You want to do everything for me
Erase away the memories with the gifts
Kiss away the pain
Fade the pictures
You’ll do anything for me as long as you have me
This makes me realize you’d do anything to get me if you didn’t
Against my word
You’ll do it
Because you’ve done it
You’d rather leave the damage to be decayed
Instead of cleaning the kinks
Some people walk away when there are problems
You run
Your always willing to do anything for me
But nothing for us
It’s never about what we want
It’s about me
I feel like the main character
In the stage that never ends
You treat me so well
After you don’t
You’re just as scared as me
But you wont admit the fears
You love the feeling of pain
So you share it

The author's comments:
it amazes me; all the years it takes to build up trust that gets broken in a millisecond.


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