The Song Bird | Teen Ink

The Song Bird

March 23, 2009
By silverlunarelf SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
silverlunarelf SILVER, Kansas City, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let my dreams guide me as far as they can, and when they'be led me as far as they can, I'll take over my own destiny and go further.

Little bird, sing out loud!
Pained cries escaping into the nights,
Little bird, sing out loud!
For all ears to hear,
Little Bird, sing out loud!
Ignored throughout many years,
All caged up, sing little bird sing!
Finally praised by few,
Few who care so little,
Many arrive late ready to listen.
Little bird why don’t you sing?
Once sang so brilliantly into the night,
Little bird why don’t you sing?
Once sang life into existence, sang death away.
Little bird why don’t you sing?
Your song, now only quiet and torn.
Little bird why don’t you sing anymore?

The author's comments:
When I wanted be recongnixed as an individual not as everyone else no one noticed me. It was hard and I hope this poem reflects those feelings.

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