Liars Till The End... | Teen Ink

Liars Till The End...

March 23, 2009
By Aro_To_The_Heart PLATINUM, Mandeville, Louisiana
Aro_To_The_Heart PLATINUM, Mandeville, Louisiana
47 articles 7 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than hands?<br /> <br /> -Ernest Gaines.

During the course of our lives,
Our minds may get old;
The truths that we keep,
The lies we are sold;

The light we keep here,
Deep ‘neath this rotting plane;
While in the darkness we cry,
Hide our faces in our shame;

Too few know how,
To start the light aglow;
That’s why we’re put here,
To listen and to know;

The voices sound long,
And in the darkness keep;
While the ones up above them,
Only mourn them and weep;

The dead give up the living,
Not the other way around;
We all have to die alone,
Our fates wait to be found;

The bitterest tears you cry,
Upon the graves are shed;
Are for deeds left undone,
And for words left unsaid;

We all lose someone dear,
And should always let them be;
I hope you won’t remember,
To hold and forget me…

To the one I've shared my love too… My heart goes out to you…



This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 14 2010 at 9:27 pm
Only,I PLATINUM, Taylorville, Illinois
45 articles 17 photos 123 comments

Favorite Quote:
This too shall pass.

This is really good, I like the way it flows.

The lines; "The voices sound long,

And in the darkness keep;

While the ones up above them,

Only mourn them and weep;"

are my favorite. You have great rhythm. (:

on Jan. 3 2010 at 8:21 pm
ModernMissBennet BRONZE, Spanaway, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 22 comments
This is so beautiful. KEEP writing like this and don't lose the obvious passion.