Sentimentally Worn | Teen Ink

Sentimentally Worn

March 25, 2009
By Hannah_K. PLATINUM, Scottsdale, Arizona
Hannah_K. PLATINUM, Scottsdale, Arizona
22 articles 6 photos 9 comments

My life included many things
Shiny, bright new objects
At the time, they meant nothing,
Just a perfect little trinket

Over time they gently wore out
Creasing at the edges
Scratched from love
Fading and unraveling

Each tiny imperfection
Grows into a problem
But who would want to get rid of it
When it tells a brilliant story?

The crease becomes a tear
The scratch into a dent
And the fading corners turn into
Blank, plain white

As the stitching comes apart
And the keys fall off the piano
The great 'new' truck rusts
And the lily wilts away

Sure you love these things-
Mostly because they tell you something
Something like a tale
How did it happen? When and where?

These things, such as life
Will slowy go away
Only to turn around
And tell the story again

The author's comments:
...And tell the story again- the last line in the poems means that once you've gotten rid of the item, you will get another one and it will have its own story. Sometimes the best things are the imperfect ones. And sometimes the best years of your life are the last ones.


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