Forest | Teen Ink


May 10, 2018
By Sage_Black BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
Sage_Black BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The trees around me rustle and the ground is littered with more leaves
It begins to get colder as the night progresses, so I elongate my shirt sleeves.
Instead of being stressed, I finally can relax with the breeze with ease.

Upon hearing water, I stumble upon a winding creek
I bent down to wash my face, feeling the water against my cheek.
Thinking of my future from where I stand, it seems rather bleak
Continuing on with my day, I wished I could stay for the rest of the week

Quietly, I walk on the path that so many others have tread before me
Deciding I will make my own path, I divert and turn around a different tree.
Having made this decision, I proceed with my stroll through life happily.
I begin to think about who I was, who I am, and who I will be

I finally can be my truest self around the chirping birds above
It was here in this forest that I found the part of myself self I could love 
Perched on a branch just above me, I noticed, was a dove.
A sign that the war in my head was finally at rest and I can really live in this world I am a part of

The author's comments:

This piece was written for an English project, and it was inspired by Robert Frost's poem "Night." This poem is a reflection of myself, and was based upon a camping trip with my dad.

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