The Mockingbird | Teen Ink

The Mockingbird

January 17, 2013
By Anonymous

The Mockingbird, of niceness, sings
to every single child.
Her lullaby; oh very sweet,
can even calm the riled.

The Mockingbird had learn'd her songs
from Mother Dear, of late,
who'd taught the songs of history,
to just commemorate.

The Mockingbird will practice on.
Her voice will rise above.
Despair is heard throughout her tunes
but they'll be sung with love.

The Mockingbird will share her songs,
for generations, next,
and all will know of Mother Dear,
who ain't in any text.

The Mockingbird shall always sing
for only children's ears.
Her lullaby; in their dreams,
will keep away thier fears.

The author's comments:
written using the concept originally used by Emily Dickinson.

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