A Secret | Teen Ink

A Secret

February 5, 2013
By Anonymous

Some say it's beauty
I say it's glass
Because through my eyes
Deep flaws seem to pass

They appear in the light
Hide in the dark
The thoughts I try to fight
Seep open with a mark

They're spread on my thighs
Flood deep in my heart
Made only with sighs
They tear me apart

With no one to love
How bad could it be
A knife held tight in my glove
I'm the only one to see

Some say I'm beautiful
If only they could see
The knife on my wrist
And the scars meant to be
I look to the sky
So empty and black
Oh, how I wish I could fly
Where I'll never look back

But there's no time to think
My time has come
As this blade begins to sink
I start to feel numb

Streams of sorrow run down
My arms blazing red
I'll forever wear this crown
That I'm already dead

I think it's time to go
Nothing to hold me back
The blood starts to flow
And I hear my bone crack

I feel kinda weak
I see a bright light
Red tears start to leak
As I hold my wrist tight

He's calling my name
He says that he loves me
It's my time to claim
What life floats above me

This is my last good-bye
I'll seen you all soon
Please don't cry
Daddy, I can see the moon...

The author's comments:
Along with another poem, I wrote this through some dark times that left me to make some bad choices. This poem is a split between just thoughts and the actions that take over. I wrote this, thankfully, just as a thought.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 19 2013 at 12:23 am
simply_beautiful SILVER, Windsor, California
9 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
Good and evil go hand in hand- You cannot separate them.
-Marilyn Manson

i really like this poem. you did a very good job, plus i love how much i can relate