Teen Life | Teen Ink

Teen Life

March 5, 2013
By JustJack BRONZE, Grantville, Georgia
JustJack BRONZE, Grantville, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you're not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary." -Jim Rohn

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing... that’s why we recommend it daily." -Zig Ziglar

Teenage life,
It's nothing but different races,
Sometimes I even feel like I'm running this race,
With untied laces,
Teachers and Parents telling me to,
Exhale and go places,
But it's hard when,
Your feet feel like they are always stuck in pavement,
All I know is one day,
Things will start changing,
So until then,
I'm gonna sit back and be patient,
Cause if I don't, I'm gonna end up as crazy as a psych patient...
That was a joke, if it went past you,
Honestly, I don't want to grow up,
But I have to,
So I'm gonna keep running this race,
Until I pass you,
Grab ahold of my life,
And make sure you don't need to take a grasp too,
Let's enjoy OUR teenage race,
And forget about all the bad news,
Cause when you cross the finish line,
You'll start a new race, and it may crack you,
C'mon now, you don't want to be a cashew?
This is a serious poem,
But I hope I made you laugh too,
There is a moral though,
Don't try to be in first place, life will catch you...

The author's comments:
As much as I strongly dislike being a teenager, I realize how much I love it, also. Don't rush life, let it flow smoothly, because you are only young once.

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