Humanity | Teen Ink


April 18, 2013
By Anonymous

I am alone,
In a great big world,
filled with people,
I am alone.

I am ignored,
with a voice like a lion,
I scream.
I am ignored.

I cry,
my eyes rimmed red,
my cheek stained.
I cry.

I am alone because I am different!
I dare to break away!
I dare to be someone else!
I am alone because I know right from wrong!
I am alone because I don't just sit by!
I am alone because I CARE!

I am Ignored because I am “weird!”
I dare to dress as I want!
I dare to be unlike the rest!
I am ignored because I am me!
I am ignored because I am unique!
I am ignored because I LIVE!

I cry because there is nothing left!
There is no humanity!
There is no love!
There is no peace!
Look at what it had to take,
to bring us all together!
I took the lives of 61!
Innocent people! almost half of them children.
I cry because we have no humanity.

It took boston, batman, and a school of children, and suicidal teens,
to show us humanity is gone,
to show us we have nothing.
We were bullied because we broke away,
even though thats what they say to do,
We use a shooting of children to boost our arguments,
We use a bomb to call war.

But there are those,
who stand against a church that will not mourn the death of a child,
who run to help those who are in need despite being hurt,
who stand in front of children to take a bullet in a dark theater.
And those are the people who broke free,
they cared,
they were alone,
they were ignored,
they cried.
And we did not hear them,
until they were gone.

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