Anchorman | Teen Ink


February 11, 2014
By Andy Miesbach BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Andy Miesbach BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Ron Burgundy was top dog in San Diego news.

His hair was better than Tom Cruise.

He had a voice that could make a wolverine purr.

His suits were made from lion’s fur.

Trouble came when a woman joined the team.

Ron, Brian, Brick, and Champ just wanted to scream.

They decided to go complain to Ed.

But he just sat down and shook his head

The team decided to handle it on their own.

So they prank called her using the office phone.

Nothing worked so they decided to leave it to fate,

but Ron decide he shall ask her out on a date.

The two fell in love, it was meant to be

until one day when Ron announced he loved baxter and poetry

Baxter was punted far into the river.

Which immediately caused Ron to shiver.

Ron ran down the street into the glass case of emotion.

Brian could barely hear him on the phone because of the commotion.

Brian yelled, “He’s gonna put Corningstone on.”

Ron dashed out the door and he was gone!

Veronica read the news perfect.

But when Ron arrived he felt neglect.

He shouted, “You scorpion-woman.”

After this Ron began to look like a homeless-man.

He sat in the bar everyday drinking alcohol.

Until one day Ed gave him a call.

Veronica was nowhere to be found.

Ron’s world would soon be turned around.

Veronica needed saved from the mighty bears.

So Ron jumped into the bear pit with no cares.

Baxter spoke to the bears, he changed their mind

the bears acted very kind.

Ron and Veronica were always together

they worked for the Network to predict the weather.

Every time Ron went on he looked very snazzy

and he always finished with you stay classy.

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