The Ugly Wolf | Teen Ink

The Ugly Wolf

May 4, 2014
By iWrite4U BRONZE, Laguna Beach, California
iWrite4U BRONZE, Laguna Beach, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Go not where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

There once lived an Ugly Wolf in a wood,
Who was lonely and misunderstood.
Being rejected by his own kind,
He was desperate a friend to find.

Walking through the Forest one day,
A little Girl was on her way,
With whom he wanted to get acquainted.
She walked on in her hood, as red as just painted.

Unfortunately, a Beast sought after a human repast.
But the Ugly Wolf ran after the Girl quite fast,
To tell her that the beast was near,
But she simply ran forth in fear.

He trotted through the brush to warn those at her destination.
Once there, he scared an elder Woman with his presentation.
His grotesque appearance caused her to scream.
Though he was not bad, as he may seem.

In the end, a Lumberjack heard.
He killed the Wolf without another word.
However, the Beast was not soon enough spotted;
He fled, so the justice was not allotted.

The Beast had failed, though he had tried,
But in the end he hadn’t died.
But the Ugly Wolf died alone and rejected,
For behind his appearance, his intentions weren’t detected.

The theme of this fable, at the end of the day,
Is that people are judged without their own say.
Be nice to all, for you never know, at least,
Who is the Wolf or who is the Beast.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by people constantly being judged for their self-image, regardless of what kind of person they really are. I hope that people will learn not to judge a book by its cover.

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