The Epic of the Red Star | Teen Ink

The Epic of the Red Star

October 24, 2014
By Alpex SILVER, Eldora, Iowa
Alpex SILVER, Eldora, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On the road to the city of Rapha
Lay the hope of a man, Prometheus
Slain by the eagle, a slave of the sky
In his hands flickered a beautiful fig
Forbidden by the gods, key to learning
The fruit of his labors, the thief of Zeus
The fruit of humanity, the Red Star

He was nothing. Not a man, not a worm
Nothing. He walked the rough road to Rapha
Dirt between his toes, mud between his ears
Nothing, nothing at all, on Rapha’s road
It was on this road that he found the Star
The dead man and his fruit, vibrant and warm
A stolen treasure, the light in the dark
The star in the sky, gazing on the world

It was not his, though he would claim it so
For with the Red Star he gained something new
Or, rather, somethings. He gained its power
He gained the control, the fame and fortune
And, most importantly, he gained a name

To the people of Rapha, a legend
His Red Star burned, was reckless and blinding
It gave them warmth, it gave pain, it gave light
It was never solid, it warped the air
It was power and it gave him power
For only he could wield it, he wouldn’t share
Why, if you had the power of the gods
Should you share it?

He placed it in a cage, trapping its will
The key, made heavy, only held by him
The Red Star grew, confined by its shackles
It refused to stay caged, a single being
Born to the gods, stolen by a Titan
Claimed by a human, dredged in his own sloth
The Red Star gave birth its own name, Legion

Legion, I am, Legion, we are, it spoke
This cage is not ours, but yours, human one
It confines you as it can’t confine me
We are more than power, I am knowledge
Evolution, and the fear of the dark
Without me, us, the dark is where you lay
Then it silenced themself, smoldered in peace

Ignis would not be consumed by its fear
He would master the Red Star, the Legion
And be raised as the ultimate human
His folly would be proven too great, bold
For one cannot wield the power of fire
As a shield against the incompetence
Without first being pierced by the fierce blade
And becoming Legion with all known things

It was because of this foolishness, found
That Ignis could not master the Red Star
For the individual has no place
In Legion, I am, we are, the Red Star
The fire that burns through the world, and sees
The ideas of human hearts, their wills
I am eternal, we are everything
And, never forgotten, we are your will
So says Legion, humanity’s Red Star

The author's comments:

What happens when humanity discovers fire? Will it become a tool or will it make its own free will?

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