I'm Not Bitter | Teen Ink

I'm Not Bitter

February 26, 2015
By Anonymous

Oh, red-topped woman

Arenose rose

Soiled with the soot

Of fires I've never known


Broad-shouldered matron

You must have seen some rough times

So how easy is it

For you to take advantage

Of a raw, fresh soul like mine?


Oh, angel with devil's eyes

Filthy Sinner

Glossed over

A burdened saint


With the last wheeze

Of your decrepit heart

You reach out, lash out

And corrupt mine

And who is left to bear the blame?


Oh, God forbid it be you

But perhaps the root

Which fruits your demise

Is guilt


Over the repugnant truth no one will acknowledge

And you never did feign

A 'saint' stole my innocence

I see her in the mirror

And she sees my shame.

The author's comments:

I was sexually abused as a child by a trusted loved one, someone very close to me physically and emotionally. At the apex of said abuse, this person passed away. This experience has caused me much mental and physical anguish, as the stress has taken its toll on my body. I have battled with my demons; fear, anger, rage, confusion, depression, remorse, and loss. Whether I want to accept it or not, this has played a big roll in the making of the woman I am today. But I do accept it, and I know that I have the courage to speak out. Though it was not the aim of this piece, I wish to use this experience and knowledge to aid others in their struggles, give them a voice, and let it ring like a bell. We children whom have been deprived of our innocence deserve to be heard, not shamed; and other children, and their caretakers, deserve to be warned.

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