Broken Rose | Teen Ink

Broken Rose

November 5, 2015
By Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We can climb out of hell one inch at a time.

In the summer brilliance
A rose grew red and strong
She was told be the meek one
She blossomed every dawn


Every morn at waking time
The girls would be by her bloom
She bowed her head to the wind
The praise, smiles and swoons


But when the gold sunk away
The dewy tears ran down her face
She wondered if they valued her
As she looked upon the specks in space


She was loveliness up above
But did they see down below
Darkness seeped into leaves
And twisted spines began to grow


Days and days swept by and by
Sunshine spilled over her wilting part
Even the breeze became unkind
And lower sank her ruby heart


When the sunlight rises early
They all sing of her brilliant head
But this morrow, sweet tomorrow
All but the thorns are dead

The author's comments:

This is written from the perspective of clinical depression and how it changes a person.

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