In Powder Mountains | Teen Ink

In Powder Mountains

December 8, 2015
By Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We can climb out of hell one inch at a time.

I have twirled in winter's lace
Smiled with a pinpricked face
Tripped in pillow stuffing flakes
Dance with me, I beg of you

I slip on star enraptured glass
In this frosted over past
Whitened memories to last
Me and you, and powder mountains

So come now take my cold hand
Some do crave sun-stained sand
But I do dance in a wonderland
Of carols, bells, and I with you

I cannot say I've felt as warm
As I have mid snowstorm
Spinning in a crystal swarm
Wrapped in your  embrace

No darkness here, only lights
Icy stars wink in the night
Dancing angels looped in flight
Oh darling dance with me

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