my love | Teen Ink

my love

April 27, 2016
By disneyqueen BRONZE, New Kent, Virginia
disneyqueen BRONZE, New Kent, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

you were there for me you were my papa I love you with all my heart you made me laugh I think of you all the time 

I remember you and the saddest day of all the day you died I was only little the family cried I had no idea what to do

I will always love you I will always remember you forever I will tell my children about you will glow in my heart like ember 

I know you are in a better place I know you are happy I will love always when I am blue I will remember you

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my grandpa who died when i was still a baby i still remember the funeral 

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