Alone | Teen Ink


May 5, 2016
By tiny.tati BRONZE, Norwalk, Connecticut
tiny.tati BRONZE, Norwalk, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

My therapist said,
Take this journal home
And write what you feel.
But is it that easy?
For as long as I can remember,
My feelings have been left unsaid.
Even since I came out,
My family neglected me,
My friends abandoned me,
And my peers judged me.
They said high school is amazing,
Full of many new friends for life!
-New Facebook Message-
-New Text Message-
-New Twitter Message-
I have been called it all,
By these so called ‘friends’.
But I wonder what I have done,
To deserve it all?
I enjoy movies like others do.
I enjoy music like others do.
I like to have fun like others do.
I am a person like others are.
But what made me a criminal,
In other’s eyes?
I learned to love someone,
I’m not supposed to love.
This is the main reason why
I tried to kill myself.
With the constant darkness around me,
I saw no other reason to live.
Of course I didn’t succeed.
This is why I still sit in my room,
And write in a journal assigned by a therapist.
You asked me how I feel?

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This article has 3 comments.

on May. 8 2016 at 11:15 pm
tiny.tati BRONZE, Norwalk, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
@E.Inis Thanks so much! This is a social issue that I really care about so I wanted to write a poem that really inspires others! I really appreciate your comment and am happy that you enjoyed it!

on May. 5 2016 at 10:06 pm
dont.cry.little.girl. SILVER, Ooltewah, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 45 comments
What a powerful piece. As an LGBTQ activist, I find it important to discuss and address the impact that others' words can have on people. Love is so beautiful and the only thing that connects all human beings, that can travel through every universe, all of space, time. How can one be condemned for accepting the love within themselves? And why on Earth should one feel so despised that he or she might want to kill their wonderfully unique selves? Hopefully, this piece will inspire readers to ask these same questions as I did when a read it. Very well done.

on May. 5 2016 at 10:06 pm
dont.cry.little.girl. SILVER, Ooltewah, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 45 comments
What a powerful piece. As an LGBTQ activist, I find it important to discuss and address the impact that others' words can have on people. Love is so beautiful and the only thing that connects all human beings, that can travel through every universe, all of space, time. How can one be condemned for accepting the love within themselves? And why on Earth should one feel so despised that he or she might want to kill their wonderfully unique selves? Hopefully, this piece will inspire readers to ask these same questions as I did when a read it. Very well done.