The Blur | Teen Ink

The Blur

May 20, 2016
By jjt123 BRONZE, Gladewater, Texas
jjt123 BRONZE, Gladewater, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Blur

As I run through the darkened wood
Like a maddened, pursued Robin Hood,

The deafening buzzing of the swarm
Fills my ears like some monstrous storm

Their hot pursuit soon becomes scorching,
as I feel my lungs struggle to keep the pace that i’m forcing

And just when my stamina starts to dwindle,
and my hope’s flame has run out of kindle

My reality changes, blurring the lines
and a dull light begins to shine

And as I come to slowly,
I realize that, holy moly!

That treacherous buzzing was just my alarm
it will do me no harm, vibrating on my arm

And even with my vision still blurry
I rolled out of bed
I had to hurry

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my own experiences as a person with realistic dreams.

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