Time Stands Still | Teen Ink

Time Stands Still

June 9, 2016
By horsegirl3 BRONZE, San Diego, California
horsegirl3 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Time stands still
As she rides bareback through the hills
Hair long and unbound streams behind
Horse and rider forever entwined
They gallop as one across the moor
Where battles once raged forever no more
The mist swallows them whole
Together they reach the knoll
Where kings of old once crowned
He tosses his head and paws the ground
They rule this land
There is nothing so grand
Time stands still
Riding bareback through the hills.

Home she goes back to her studies with glee
For women were not respected you see
But the princess was special
Bright and intelligent, a natural head for maths high level
But her strength of greatest was for cavalry
For a woman to know of these things was blasphemy
Except for her old mentor
With him she received whatever she asked for
Battle plans, maps, and info on anything
Everything fit for a King
But Queens were just figureheads
Nothing but some one to warm a kings bed
The Old King wishes for her to marry
But she wants none of the suitors they were all too airy

But alas all good things must come to an end
She cries as she bends to her Father’s will
Marry must she for the good of the kingdom
To a Prince with wisdom more than she
And then she can worry about womanly things
And the affairs of the state left to the Kings

A prince and her, married they were
He was not so bright, not so strong, an amateur
Yet still the Queen was pushed aside
As the kingdom fell to ruins all across the countryside
And a snake slithered its way into the council
Whispering his way into the King’s private counsel

Soon he was placed as the King’s heir
For he had his own plan hatched in an old armchair
He was a powerful Duke who would never bow to this sniveling King
But little did he know he had a more potent enemy, with the King’s wedding ring

The Snake’s man, an assassin of caliber moved in
Silently, creeping in the shadows akin
He took his final strike with the Snakes ring
His only mistake was the Queen, of all things
Having been in the adjointed room
She came sneaking in, her father’s sword drawn in the gloom
His head and hand bounced to the floor
An assassin no more

With the proof of the Snake’s treachery in hand
She was proved the rightful ruler of the land
But alas in the commotion the Snake disappeared
With nothing left, not even hair from his beard
Back to his land they say
Where an army is prepping to join the fray

Hastily the Queen proves her mettle
And draws up plans to defend the Kingdom before their doom could settle
Messengers were dispatched to foreign dignitaries begging for aid
The countryside alight with the news of the Queen rushed to her with accolades
Simple farmers and their wives alike were trained in basic fighting
The young and able learned to ride fast as lightning
Standing on the battlements hair blowing wild with her allies
We ride at dawn she cries!

Sun blood red looks on as they breach the knoll
Looking down on the Snake’s flagpole
The army not far over yonder
They charge over the hill their strength squandered
The Queen leading the charge
The battle raged for what seemed like forever, the Snake still at large
With her countryman falling left and right the Queen called out Duel
I challenge thy coward to a duel!

The Snake emerged from his tent calling a halt to the fighting
He laughs at her request but takes up his sword sighing
Both sides form an oval spellbound
The Queen surveys her land, her people, her home ground
She mounts her black shire
Her hair gleaming like fire

Where kings of old once crowned
He tosses his head and paws the ground
They rule this land
There is nothing so grand
Hair long and unbound streams behind
Horse and rider forever entwined
They gallop as one across the moor
Where battles once raged forever no more

Full speed ahead, the Snake still laughing
He charges forward, sword whistling
Locked in a deadly battle
She is beauty and grace flitting and flying across the field
He is strong and bulky as the shield he carries
But nothing prepares him for how she moves as one with the stallion

All those days spent practicing with her constant companion
They learned tricks and complex maneuvers
On a single cue, they outmaneuver the Snake’s white war horse
And she slides her blade through his back
The traitor lies dead on the cold hard ground covered in black

Time stands still
As she rides bareback through the hills
Hair long and unbound streams behind
Horse and rider forever entwined
They gallop as one across the moor
Where battles once raged forever no more
For the snake is dead
His army fled
The mist swallows them whole
Together they reach the knoll
Where kings of old once crowned
He tosses his head and paws the ground
They rule this land
There is nothing so grand
Time stands still
Riding bareback through the hills

The author's comments:

This started out as an ode but it turned into a ballad. Feel free to let me know what you think!

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