The Broken Puzzle | Teen Ink

The Broken Puzzle

July 21, 2018
By NatalieJ SILVER, Ankeny, Iowa
NatalieJ SILVER, Ankeny, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not about what you get, it's about what you take from it.

To the naked eye, we are all together

When really we are broken

We have itty bitty pieces

that is expecting you to find them

But will you?

Will you be able to fix the broken puzzle?

Will you be able to find all of the dispersed pieces?

All of the hidden secrets

All of the shattered glass

Within the human body.

I don’t think you will

Humans hide too much

We hide the pieces, you know

The puzzle pieces

The broken glass

The petrifying secrets

So that way you can’t find them

So that you can’t finish the puzzle

The only thing that makes us feel safe

Is hiding

It’s up to you to finish the broken puzzle.

The author's comments:

Life is really puzzle, and it's up to us to finish the puzzle.

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