fight the end | Teen Ink

fight the end

September 29, 2018
By Haylen BRONZE, Hesperus, Colorado
Haylen BRONZE, Hesperus, Colorado
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Brave doesn’t mean you’re not scared. It means you keep going even though you’re scared.”

-Angie Thomas

my family is a burning building, still stable but slowly crumbling down.

the smoke, whirling in the wind, is constantly changing and evolving, touching the hearts and minds of those around him, is my littlest brother.

the five year old brother, the tip of the playful flames.  

full, from head to toe, of energy and life.

my only sister, the white-blue fire, dancing close to the embers.

just the beginning of something wonderful and amazing.

my brother is the walls.

hes sixteen

Creaking and popping under pressure.


still standing tall and strong.

won’t give in until there is no longer a reason to stand.

19, my brother room to room, hallways and hallways.

full of purpose.

full of possibility.

my stepdad, the beams.

trying to support and hold us together, regardless of the damage that may come.

the embers, warm and fragile, trusted by the flames to keep the house ablaze, is my stepmom.


the oxygen.

over and over and over.

trying and trying and trying.

encouraging the embers.

feeding the flames.

the men, dressed in neon yellow and orange.

face black and smudged.

my mother rushes in to try and stop the end.

she tries to fight the fire and save everything she can.


i am the hard, concrete base.

i am the strongest.

i will keep us together.

i will build us back up again.

we are a burning building.

One that will never burn to the ground.

we will forever stand.

we will burn brighter.

We will stay together.

We will fight the end

The author's comments:

This piece was written for an assignment I had in language arts. It is very personal to me. My family is probably one of the best things in my life. I don’t know what I would do without them. 

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