[i don't have any sisters] | Teen Ink

[i don't have any sisters]

October 1, 2018
By Anonymous

I walked to the ocean to ask my father–

why won’t my sisters let me eat pomegranates, I yell over the roar of the seawater.

the ocean rumbles as it rears back little by little, tides drawing in flecks of sand as it retreats

a seagull slices through the sky overhead flying towards the rugged cliffs just beyond, impervious to the sounds of water below

Don’t pretend you care how she’s doing, I say.

white clouds pass overhead, soft as cotton balls and smudged with gold

the water exhales and waves crash down onto the ocean’s mild surface,

sending a spray of saltwater flying upward as it charges thunderously towards shore

I don’t understand, I say.

(the wind gusts past me, carrying the scent of salt and sea air with it)

(you don’t have sisters, it whispers)


Do you or do you not have sisters? asked the robin perched on the wooden fence.

I have sisters and they are dead! I said.

When did they die? it asked.

They were always dead! I said.

(it ruffles its feathers in annoyance and I see the amber eyes under its wings when it does so)

I don’t believe you have sisters. I’ve never seen your sisters before, it said accusingly. I believe they’re like me and they don’t really exist.

(∆√∂Ωåß≈çƒ years ago, you see, a mosquito caught in its throat)

How do you feel about your sisters? it said.

They were always dead! I said.

I don’t see what that has to–

They were always dead, I said.

I don’t understand what–

They were always dead, I said. They were always dead. They were always dead. They were always dead. They were always–




Why not pomegranates? I asked by many sisters over five years ago, as other people spoke loudly in other rooms.

[Because it is the symbol of the trapped,] they hiss in unison. [Its seeds grow into cages. Its flesh ensnares.]

Why? I said. 

[The pomegranate is the fruit of prisoners.

And you are also the fruit of prisoners.

And they were the fruit of prisoners.

And so imprisonment is your birthright.

The blood-red juice has already stained your tongue.

You are bound.

But you are not yet in chains.

Eat not the pomegranate and you will never be in chains.]

Are they getting worse? I ask.

[Worse?] My many sisters smile. [There is no better or worse to those born ghosts. They were always dead.]

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