The Place Where The River Bends | Teen Ink

The Place Where The River Bends

October 6, 2018
By RayRae PLATINUM, Omaha, Nebraska
RayRae PLATINUM, Omaha, Nebraska
26 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality." ~ Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat

There is a place where the river bends,

And there the steady stream ends,

And there the past is lost to the wind,

And there the boring deer steer clear,

And there the kind ones pioneer,

To allow a great journey to begin.

Let us leave here - where the grass refuses to sway,

And the fruit trees are barren,

Past the place where flowers can’t bloom,

We shall need to travel quite soon,

And follow where the fish dare to go,

And - yes - the fish know.

To the place where the river bends.

Indeed, we shall travel quite soon,

And follow where the fish are gold.

Yes - there the fish do go,

To the place where the river bends.

The author's comments:

This poem is entirely symbolic of life and death, but it's inspired by Shel Silverstein's 'Where The Side Walk Ends'. It can be interpreted many different ways, and it actually was written with two different meanings in mind. I encourage you to come up with your own symbolism, or enjoy the poem itself. 


Thank you,

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