Poison | Teen Ink


December 6, 2018
By harthur66 SILVER, Hemet, California
harthur66 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is impossible to live without failing at something ."-JK Rowling

All I’ve known my life there’s been this Poison

This venom

There will always be this poison in my life

Every time the poison gets stronger

I’m afraid that I will hurt the ones around me.

The Poison will eat me up until I’m bones,

But I’m strong

I feel the poison every time I’m never them

I can see the poison it gets stronger

I’m afraid the poison will grow.

The Poison will demolish my family

Unless I can stop it,

But the poison is strong

Too strong

There is times where I want to be around  the poison.

The feeling of dread that fills my stomach,

The wondering if it is going to hurt more people then just me.

Its there and it can’t be ignored,

Except it went away.

It's been years how has it seeped back into my life,

The poison that was gone is affecting people I love,

Other people are feeling the poison,

Does it affect me if  I decided not to look at it?

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