Jack-in-the-box | Teen Ink


December 11, 2018
By Anonymous

Doom dangles down from the air

Clammy hands holding on to I don’t remember who


Lips, once rosy and pink, now pale

Walls close in, everything is so small


Eyes that can see but cannot process

Heart that want to jump out my throat


Teeth chatter as the words come out

Going to die, I am going to die

The author's comments:

Panic attacks are a terrible experience to go through, and they happen to more people that one would think. Unfortunately, like many other things regarding mental health, panic attacks are not widely discussed. The feelings described in each couplet are what I felt over the course of multiple panic attacks. The most important sensation one can feel during a panic attack, though, is the feeling of impending doom. Looking back, I feel silly for thinking I was actually going to die for no reason at all, but that is exactly how I felt. Additionally, I feel that the title is fitting to that impending doom.

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