Numb | Teen Ink


December 13, 2018
By ellieallann BRONZE, Wheeling, Illinois
ellieallann BRONZE, Wheeling, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the type of person that you want to meet"

I've gone numb to tragedies of guns violence.
When I was 11 a gunman shot and killed 12 people and injured 70,
It was at a showing of one of my favorite movies, Batman: the dark knight rises.
This movie now tainted by this tragedy

Sandy hook: 26 people died, 20 of them children just a few years younger than I was.
I was 12 and in the 6th grade.
My teacher walked in balling her eyes out and by the end of her summary of what occurred just a few hours before, I followed suit.
I wondered how someone could do this to children; They were just little kids.

In 2013 a shooter opened fired in Santa Monica killing 5 people,
3 months later someone shot and killed 12 people in D.C.
In May of 2014, a man killed 6 college students in Isla vista, California.
A little over a year later 9 people were shot dead in Charlottesville.
In June of 2016, my favorite singer was killed by a lone gunman;
That was the first time I had ever been personally affected by this epidemic
A week later 49 were killed and 53 were injured at Pulse Nightclub.
A month later 5 police officers were gunned down in Dallas.
We go numb to the names of those who have fallen because the people in power do not want their precious hobbies taken away.

But then there's Charlotte and Daniel, Rachel, Olivia, Josephine, Ana, Dylan, and Dawn. Madelyn, Catherine, Chase, Jesse, James and Grace. Emile P., Jack, Noah, Caroline, Jessica, Arielle, Benjamin, and Allison.

Kids, babies.
They barely had a life, and now they will never know.
They will never have a first kiss, they will never go to prom,
They will never find love, or get married, or have kids.

You see, our parents, they had wars.
And we had San Bernardino,
And we had Sandy Hook,
and we had Las Vegas,
and we had Stoneman Douglas,
And we had Marshal county,
And we had Santa Fe,
And we had Pulse.

Our parents heard the names of troops who fell protecting our country,
We hear he names of people who died walking down the street or sitting in a place of worship.
We hear the names of people who died for no reason.
Young children are massacred
But god forbid you can't own the thing that does the killing,
Don't worry, you can have your hunting rifle but somewhere in the world there is a kid, holding one of your precious guns,
Stripping away at someone's life, someone’s innocence.

After Sandy Hook I thought, “great, kids are dead. Now something is finally going to happen.”
Looks like our lawmakers don't care that kids are dead
because you can still buy a semi automatic rifle,
sure you have to pass a background check and wait a few days
but you can still get one.
When is something finally going to get done? How much more blood with be on your hands Mr President?
That's right, I am not blaming the people who pulled the trigger, I'm blaming the people who didn't do anything about this issue in the first place.
These people in power have gone numb to the names plastered across our television screens.

But the there's Christina, Akyra, Amanda, Angel, Anthony, Antonio, Brenda, Christopher, Cory, Deonka, DJ, Eddie, Edward, Enrique, Eric, frank, Geraldo,
Frankly, Gilberto, Jason, Jean, Jerald, Javier, Joel, Jonathan, Juan, Kimberly, Leroy, Luis, Martin, Miguel, Oscar, Paul, Peter, Rodolfo, Shane, Stanley, Kevin, Xavier and Yilmary.
How could we become so numb to the names that are now carved into our heads,
The names that are now across headstones
We associate these names with memoriam,
and see them up in the sky.
We sing requiem through the night and on the anniversary
We cherish their memories
Hoping they find peace at heart.

But these victims, they shouldn’t be victims
because this is not normal, none of this is normal.
People die every day because of a damn trigger,
And yet we go numb.

The author's comments:

I began writing this when I was 16, it was the day after the shooting at a high school in Marshall County Kentucky. I was very upset because none of the news outlets were talking about it, the only thing people were talking about was what the president said that day. So I decided to write about how I felt and I've been working with this poem for almost a year now.

The first set of names are the kids who were murdered at Sandy Hook and the second set are the victims 

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