Hidden | Teen Ink


January 4, 2019
By FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it so dark in here?

Why is everything so gloomy?

Can we turn on the lights?


No light switch.


Why is it so cold in here?

Why do I feel frozen?

Can I build a fire?


What is preventing me then?

Why can't I even find a way? 

Any way. 

To see the Light?

To feel the Warmth?


Perhaps it is the Boy.

His face.

A dark and ghostly cloud.


He blocks the Sun!

Poor Boy.

How rude, but He only does this because that is all He knows.

He has too, felt this pain and loneliness.

Poor Boy.


But He blocks the Sun.

My Sun. 

And just because He feels pain,

doesn't mean that I have to. 

I reach up now and carefully remove Him out of the Sun's vision. 

And I see now. 

I feel the Warmth regaining into my frigid fingers.

Poor Boy.

I look to Him, still looming overhead.

"You were just in the way." I explain.

But, He cannot hear.

He cannot see beyond His own mask.

The rain within, blinds Him.

He cannot feel.

Poor Boy.

I want to help.

But I have to help myself first.

I hope I can help Him soon.

Poor Boy.

Don't hide.

But don't keep the Sun hidden.

I don't want to be hidden.

I don't want you to be hidden.

Just hold on.

I promise.

The Sun will Shine on You.

Illuminating the cloud.

I promise.

But just come down here.

You don't have to hide. 

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