El trabajador | Teen Ink

El trabajador

January 18, 2019
By brittanycabrera SILVER, Rochester, Michigan
brittanycabrera SILVER, Rochester, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One man, I see

A toasted tan man

Working hard under the blazing hot sun.

He works from 6am to 10pm

Yet he’s unwanted like an infest of cockroaches.

Why? I don’t know…

Maybe it’s his burnt brown skin

Maybe it’s his thick rich accent…

One man,

Has a family to care,

heart of gold.

Bills to pay,

feeling full.

Yet he’s considered an alien, but he’s the same.

He’s a hard working man, he is…

But he sees the news

He sees separation of families

Because of racism, the monstrous president.

That ensures we are all white.

He is on his feet for long hard hours,

He does the dirty work for them

Yet this country considers him an outcast...

Thank you.

Thank you to the man I see...

I’m sorry for the disgraces you have to see...

The author's comments:

This poem is about a father who works hard for his family but isn't treated the same because he is an illegal immigrant working in the United States. He is discriminated by the country he lives in even though he's the same as the rest of us. 

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