Separation- | Teen Ink


January 18, 2019
By brittanycabrera SILVER, Rochester, Michigan
brittanycabrera SILVER, Rochester, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Left alone,

Left behind…

Soon they will be nothing but a fading


Our people

treated like aliens,

savage animals...

Except they’re the meat

the meat torn apart

by savage dogs...

You are the dog.

The aliens became preyー meat ripped to shreds.

Sadly once you’ve killed the innocent prey

you can’t bring it back.

You’ve already feasted…

You are the predator.

The predator of destruction.

The author's comments:

This about the seperation of latino families due to trump trying to get rid of "illegal aliens" that harm his people even though some of these people are just innocent people trying to make a better living for their family and make sure they get a good education. 

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