Students Today | Teen Ink

Students Today

January 19, 2019
By Fwallace BRONZE, Liberty Township, Ohio
Fwallace BRONZE, Liberty Township, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There’s a nationwide problem that students deal with beside their own
grades, friendships, and college choices.
And it is just as important as students hit by bullets thrown.
Going to school everyday,
Students have to fight for people to know how it feels to crave a friend’s laughter.
After hearing the discharge of bullets during their day that make any sibling pray. And being forced to go back the day after, means having parents, educators, and officials talk about it. But never do anything about it, all they do is shout.
They insist it is impossible for us to split,
with the creation that claims kids that go out;
Out to school, out to church, out to concerts, or out shuffling.
Blaming mental health when it comes to the annihilation of the young.
But who put the guns in everyone’s hands, just to makes tons?
All while causing kids to run.
Insisting that they would feel devastated if it was their own son;
when all they are is money strung. Schools are more than just a place to learn;
it’s where you and your friend accumulate.
But it is devastating to go back to school estates,
knowing your classmates and friends are dead on a slate.
While the NRA capitalizes on the guns made, that kill students like me.

The author's comments:

This is just a poem I created after my school started to crack down on security. Due to recent school shootings. And how I feel about all of this. 

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