to those we love alive | Teen Ink

to those we love alive

January 29, 2019
By alxce BRONZE, Whippany, New Jersey
alxce BRONZE, Whippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

a shadow has passed me again
your pupils in the walls gaze at my
repulsion, reverbing in the pit
of the oil-slicked sunset in your throat
unlike the nectarless buds of reveries or margarine,
my mouth was the perfect watering hole turned
to amaranth seas wondering silently for winter
painting a still life with foie gras as myself,
the dead oleanders growing at my feet are tended by
your imaginary god
in a neon impasse of things we wouldn’t say,
our vivisection was born from a snake with twelve eyes,
all blind
in our gallery is a heart matted in licorice
and the snake,
seeing red

The author's comments:

I can't help but feel pretentious when I try to put why I wrote this poem into words, but simply put this poem is inspired by the ghosts that walk around me. It is meant to be a written experience of what it feels to be abandoned, trailing behind at the discretion of the other's shadow. 

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