My Neighborhood | Teen Ink

My Neighborhood

February 14, 2019
By LaxSherm BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
LaxSherm BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a state of Packers and Badgers,

from a state of the unpredictable climate,

from a state of Harley-Davidsons and Bubblers,

from a state of up north cabins,

from a state of a Wisconsinite style accents.

I’m from a community that follows along the Bark River,

from a community of celebration,

 from a community of history,

from a community of ice age trails,

from a community of one.

I'm from a dead end road hidden by trees,

from a road where I don't need to lock my doors,

from a road where dogs run adventures,

from a road where neighbors feel like family.

I'm from a lake where the water stays clear,

from a lake that brings my friends and family together,

from a lake where sailboats race,

from laughter throughout.

I’m from a family of Irish and Germans,

from a family of loose cannons,

from a family of athletes,  

 from a family of Sunday night dinners,

from a family that sticks together.

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