The Cave | Teen Ink

The Cave

February 17, 2019
By Victoriapache BRONZE, Matthews, North Carolina
Victoriapache BRONZE, Matthews, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   This Shallow and Lonely cave Overwhelms him. With grief and loneliness, he wants to scream and cry for help but he can't. The air has been sucked out of him, and the heavy rocks that were placed by Darkness don't help him. He seemed to be slipping into Darkness's grasp, once again.But. But then he forces himself to open his heavy drowsy eyes. Because he rememebers. The glowing lights that were placed in his life. The big torches that have allowed him to see the cave and it's ominous passageways. The rocks started to seem like boulders as he tried to get up from the ground, and the pain in his heart seemed UNBEARABLE. But the rocks that had turned into big boulders soon turned into pebbles, and as he shrugged them off his puny body he had finally felt relived.

   He could see it. The tiny lights that were his torches were now a big, bright sun. He ran toward the sun, not caring if his body was sore and tired. He still ran. Until he heard a faint whisper from behind him that sounded too familiar. It was darkness.

   "Come back" It whispered. He turned around, and stared at it's black, charcoal eyes and said,

"I'm not afraid of you", and he went to the light, and he was finally out of the cave.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this was how I realized that everyone is going through a tough time in their lives. I hope that what people get from this poem is to always persevere even when you are going through a tough time in your life.

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