Safe From Reality | Teen Ink

Safe From Reality

March 5, 2019
By Anonymous

My life is black and white,

I have no color.

I’m lost within my own world,

Misunderstood by all that I meet

But one knows me by heart.

I’m lost within my own world,

Twisted in choices poured upon my shoulders.

Nowhere to flee,

Stuck in an endless fight for myself,                                                               

Continuously lost with little guide to follow.

A map may be found,

Not in my own heart but another’s.

This map is my closest companion,

Not only a guide but a man.

He is alive, he guides me.

Leading me through rough waters.

He keeps me safe, in a world of our own,

Causing an escape from reality.

Safe in his arms.

It feels like a dream,

But he’s as real as you and me.

I’m off to my own world,

Safe from reality.

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