Better Now | Teen Ink

Better Now

March 14, 2019
By Lauren_Jada SILVER, San Pedro, California
Lauren_Jada SILVER, San Pedro, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything happens for a reason.

Not every person you meet is supposed to stick with you for the long run.

Things are sometimes temporary.

You can not force someone to see all the wonderful qualities you have.

The truth is not everyone deserves it.

I am trying to remind you of your worth and how special you are.

You are so forgiving, so kind, so amazing, and such a wonderful person.

You love to see the best in people and believe that everyone deserves a chance.

We used to have that quality in common but once you come to the realization that there is one person out there who deserves everything that idea changes.

You understand why it never worked before.

Where you both went wrong along with the discovery of what you will and will not put up with.

Remember that if you continue to do the same thing and the outcome is the same you need to try something new.

Accept what was and move on.

Think of the many many possibilities.

You have this attraction to people who only wish the worst upon you.

Who only wish to harm you.

Quietly you are losing the best parts of you.

They are like a possession that is causing all the wonderful fruits you bear to be rotten.

Dying from the inside out but yet still appearing to be sweet and tasty.

My friend you are a beautiful person.

Your heart is gold, your mind is pure, and the tears you shed leave little scars upon your skin.

Those scars never fade they nor do they take away from the person you are.

They sit upon your face trying to get you to see them for what they really are.

Don’t cover them up dont ignore them.

Time heals all wounds and true love has the power to break any curse, but the princesses must forgive herself first.

The author's comments:

This piece was to all the women and girls who feel as if they need to be validated by a man. I wanted female to feel that no one can tell them they are anything but amazing.

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