Magic of Mascara | Teen Ink

Magic of Mascara

March 23, 2019
By JumbledUpLobes BRONZE, Sylhet, Other
JumbledUpLobes BRONZE, Sylhet, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

And those eyes were something!

Of such depth,of such illusions.

Leaving you wondering the aura,once for all.


Lost in the turbulence of sweet dreams,

the salty wind of the coast;

the carcinogens of the busy town;

the fragrance of new books;

the muddy footprints left by a toddler;

the drumming raindrops on a blue umbrella,

on the wipers of a sedan,on the pages of a love letter;


Gushing and draining out all yours,

making you hers and,so on,fires up the conundrum.

The bass of a guitar,lost in tunes and echoes;

All that said and imagined,each pint and ounce.


There were times when lost;

There were times when hopeless;

There were times when recovered;

For good,for the eternity of beauty.


Her eyes were such,so were her mascara;

And this is now,me seeing her;

Seven years and many memories after!   

The author's comments:

A candid piece.And mascara can be very beautiful!

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