now youre gone | Teen Ink

now youre gone

April 7, 2019
By DarkAngel321 SILVER, Hopewell, Virginia
DarkAngel321 SILVER, Hopewell, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light

Day after day i look for you

But you're never coming back

Blaming myself night after night

But it still hasn't fixed what went  wrong

Crying myself to sleep wishing i'd been there

I know there was nothing i could have done

But without you here something's missing

When i close my eyes i still see your smile

You were always the talented one but you would never admit it

we did everything together

But now you’re gone and i'm here doing all our favorite things  alone

I still remember when we met under the old oak

You were fighting back tears then now it's my turn

You always knew how to make everything okay

I'd give up everything to see your beautiful toothy smile again

Now you’re gone who’s gonna make it all okay

you always looked good even on your worst days

You were always the daredevil never afraid of anything not even death

Because i love you more than i love myself

Day after day  i look for you

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